Day Six – A quick update, meeting Lauren tomorrow!

3 Jul

Today has been one of those tremendously relaxing days. I spent much of the morning in my pajamas sipping coffee and reading. I finished have a little faith last night, and now I’m reading The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill. We had a potluck at mom and dad’s cottage for lunch and I made a spinach salad. Spinach Salad=Super Easy! We had a great meal with old friends and good company. We took Savanna back to Caton’s at 2 o’clock and this afternoon involved more reading in the swing hammock and a long walk this afternoon. We stopped for a cup of coffee with the Guptills and took ZuZu around the duck pond and through a trail in the woods. The long walk was followed by more reading in the hammock. Supper consisted of fried eggs and toast. Now I’m parked on the deck with my book, my coffee, my iPhone and my laptop. Life is good!

Next, I’m going to work on the draft of my novel… still in the pre-writing/planning stage.

Tomorrow’s adventures include doing something exciting that I’ve never done before, meeting my four month old niece, Lauren Elizabeth. I cannot wait to hold her in my arms!

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